解鎖柔術 Keylock Jiu Jitsu 是由三位志同道合的柔術國手下定決心想要在台灣這塊土地發展柔術運動所成立的柔術團隊。
Founded by three athletes on the Taiwanese National team, Keylock Jiu Jitsu is dedicated to developing a flourishing jiu jitsu scene in Taiwan
解鎖柔術 核心理念
Keylock Jiu Jitsu 期望能夠為對於柔術有興趣的朋友們解鎖柔術的奧秘。
Keylock Mission statement: Unlock your jiu jitsu path with Keylock Jiu Jitsu.
Keylock Jiu Jitsu’s core value is that the jiu jitsu should be straightforward and well-founded. We believe that jiu jitsu should be unbiased; you should have access to high-quality training regardless of where you practice in Taiwan.
解鎖柔術 教練師資
Steve 教練
在Sylvio Behring巴西柔術黑帶教練 Gregg King @jiujitsuprofessor 的指導下, Steven 已經有近10年的柔術經驗。他現在目前是巴西柔術咖啡帶。
受過不同風格的巴西柔術影響,Steven的柔術結合了傳統的教學和現今的技巧。Steven在台灣和加拿大也贏過了許多比賽。他也很榮幸的在2021年被台灣柔術總會遴選並入選為 JJIF 台灣柔術國家隊代表選手。
他現在是 AZ Fight Club Gym(亞里綜合武館) 的柔術總教練,他週一至週五每天晚上8:30都有柔術課。
Steve is a Brown belt under Professor Gregg King (Sylvio Behring First Degree Blackbelt) @jiujitsuprofessor . He has been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for almost 10 years.
Having trained under various BJJ styles, Steve has a unique blend of old-school philosophy and modern technique. He has also been an avid competitor, which led him to numerous tournament wins in Canada and Taiwan. He also had the honor to be a part of the Taiwanese JJIF Team in 2021.
He is currently teaching AZ Fight Club Gym every weekday at 8:30 PM.
David 教練
在小笠原 誠老師的指導下, David練習柔術已經擁有了10年的經驗。他目前是巴西柔術咖啡帶。
David 是台灣柔術界的國家級的運動員。他在國內外都獲取了優良的比賽成績。2018至2021,David當選 JJIF 台灣柔術國家隊。曾經去過國外深造的 David 和許多世界冠軍有訓練的經驗(比如JT Torres,Josh Hinger, Andre Galvao)
David 教練在ifighting 和頭份柔術學院都有團課哦!
David is a Brown belt under 3rd degree BJJ black belt, Professor Makoto Ogasawara. He has been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for over 10 years.
David is one of the top competitors in Taiwan and has won multiple national titles. He brings in world-class training experience, having trained under numerous world champions such as Andre Galvao, Josh Hinger and JT Torres.
Coach David have classes both @ifighting and @toufen.
Snake 教練
在Andre Liu老師的指導下, 蛇蛇教練練習柔術已經有5年了,是Andre Liu老師老師旗下的紫帶。
Snake is a BJJ Purple belt under the head instructor of Lohas, Andrei Liu. He has been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for over 5 years.
Snake has won numerous titles across Southeast Asia, including two back-to-back Taiwan National Game victories. With over 10 years experience as a personal trainer, Snake also brings in a specialized strength and conditioning approach to the program.
解鎖柔術 場館資訊